Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Green Green Green Hooray!!

At long last we have some green, not much warm but the plants are trying to make an appearance. Today was in the low 60's, better but not great. Of course the weather men do not make it much better, they keep reminding us that last year at this time it was 85. Gee, thanks a bunch guys. I have 3 large orders coming from Spring Hill, just when not sure. Will keep me busy when they arrive. They keep luring me into their website with offers and pictures of all the beautiful flowers. I succumbed to the siren song of Apricot Princess, a low growing rose bush. I now have a slightly larger tiller, which when I can get it started and figure out how it works, should be a big help. I went to an auction and got it for $15.00, not bad. I thought of Violet Lady as Elvira and I strolled around, the violets are coming up all over the place. No flowers yet but should not be too much longer.

Lots have happened in the last two weeks, the most major being that I gave my notice at the club. It was a much more physical job then I had anticipated and my back was not liking it at all. To me being a manager is more brain then brawn, but here I was expected to do the cooking, cleaning and putting stock away, etc. I don't mind helping out but being on my feet 8-10 hours a day just was not working. I finally came to the conclusion that if I was going to be in this much pain I might as well be making money for us. So, I am going full bore ahead on my pet treats. I am also going to work on getting my catering things together and find out what the laws are here to set up. Most states will let you have a home bakery as long as it is separate from your regular kitchen. We have a large extra long two car garage that has all the heavy duty wiring. I already have most of my equipment out there, just need to get it organized. I know we will have to put up washable wall covering, this is purchased in sheets like paneling. I have all the sinks, even my hot water heater out of my old shop. So, my summer will be busy. So, onward and upward!!

I hope everyone is well and enjoying their Spring, in the case of our Southern friends almost Summer. I see all the pictures of your yards and am envious, but my turn will come.

Best to all , Barbara


violetlady said...

I was wondering where you were! Thanks for thinking of me when you saw the violets. Too bad about the club, but that just sounds like they expected too much. When one door closes, another opens....

J.D. Scorpio said...

Hey Barb:
Thanks for your visit and comment, it made me feel a little better about facing the day…! Those Handicap parking violators think just because there are several open spaces, It’s ok to take one! They never know when a group will arrive..
Anyway, I saw on the news where Iowa is having a bad flooding problem, I sure hope you’re not affected.

Back in the early 80’s, My home flooded, it was only about 10” but it was MESS..!! I feel for those who have that problem.

Again, I enjoyed your visit and comment and don’t be a stranger, ok?

If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop diggin'.


Nancy Jo said...

I know from working in Resturants for 32 years, its really hard work and never ends.
I wish you luck with your new ideas.
Wow you have a lot of stuff comming for planting. Show us some pictures when you get it all in. COME ON WARM WEATHER!!!

Renie Burghardt said...

Hi Barbara,

I'm glad the green is making progress, up your way. It's so nice to read about all your plans of planting flowers. I have a small garden all planted, and we are feasting on new lettuce already. Yum! The Apricot Princess rose sounds lovely. I have a sunset orange that I love, and a pale pink, with a darker blush in the center. That one is like a giant bush now, especially since I forgot to prune it. And it has buds on it, about to open! Yay! The irises are in full bloom, and the day lilies will be soon. Spring is finally in full swing in the Ozarks!

Your plans to set up your own catering business sounds great, and what kind of pet treats do you make? I'd be interested in finding out more about them.

Well, I enjoyed visiting with you. Have a great weekend, full of sunshine and warmth!
