Woke to frozen fog and every surface coated with frost, early morning was surreal. As you can see in the next photos, the fog forms ice crystals, when the sun hits them they sparkle like diamonds. Later in the day the sun came out and it was just one of those perfect days, no breeze, blue skies and sunshine. I actually had to unzip my jacket as I was to warm. In the third picture you can see the bunny tracks in the snow. By late afternoon the trees and bushes were clear of their coating, so was glad I captured them early on.
Blogger is not cooperating with me, I have tried to move the pictures with no success. Maybe I am just doing it wrong.
2009 is galloping off down the road and I am just hanging on to the tail!! I had planned to be in the saddle and in control, fat chance. Just amazes me that the end of January is in sight already.
I have made some progress in trying to organize things a bit better, as mentioned in the past real decorating will have to wait. Since the weather does not permit much in the way of outside things to be done I am taking advantage of the warmer days to do things around the house. Oh, in answer to Violet Lady's question as to how it could have been 40 degrees in my kitchen, allow me to elaborate. The room off the kitchen used to be the back porch, rather then tearing it off and then building a room on they enclosed the porch. When Jim and I were attempting to put insulation in the dropped ceiling I was amazed to see the original porch roof, you know the narrow boards they use for that. I am sure when we get to the point of taking off the wall covering we will find, as in the roof that there is no insulation. This room is exposed on the North and West sides of the house. So, you take that exposure, add in shoddy construction and no insulation and basically you have a walk in freezer. They also removed the door that used to be the entrance to the kitchen, so there is no way to close this off. When the temp reaches between -5 and -20 it gets really cold, drawing the warm from the kitchen. I have my refrigerator out there so that there is more room in the kitchen, so need to have access. With the insulation we have put up, it truly is much better then in the past so we are making progress. As with all the different challenges posed by our home, all will be resolved in time. Since we love the house and have no plans to move, we make do and keep plugging away to resolve the minuses and accentuate the pluses.
I had occasion to call Wilton, the company that makes so many pans and supplies for cake making. In the course of the conversation I mentioned the lack of teachers in this area and Rose who I was speaking with said why didn't I become one? Hummm, ok what do I do to make this happen? Turns out if I take the master course from Wilton I can then become certified to be a teacher. To make a long story short, I think I am going to do it. The course will be two weeks, which will mean I have to take the motor home over to Chicago. I have discussed this with Jim and he promises me he will do the needed repairs to the home so it will be good to go. I am getting excited about this as the course will go over many of the techniques I am interested in.
I am thinking I will also begin to stock some supplies as those are also hard to come by. I feel by doing this my business will be well rounded, more ways to meet people and more avenues for business opportunities. The class will be in June which gives me time to save my pennies as the class is pricey and give Jim ample time to make repairs to the motor home.
Best to you all, I am going back to snooze some more!