About 6:30 stumbled down the stair to take the dogs out, opened the door and had to dash back upstairs to get my camera. I thought the sky looked so cool, the sun is still below the horizon but the sky was so blue. The dogs milled around on the front porch wondering what the heck I was up to now!! As I wandered around taking pictures they were happy, they got to stay out longer and chase bugs and eat grass. They found the scent of someone who had wandered through the flower bed. My tallest sunflowers are starting to open finally. Sunflowers seem so happy and friendly, I am so lucky to have enough space to plant as many as I want. I think by next year I should have enough space cleared to plant many more.
Blogger is just not being nice to me lately, will not let me move my pictures around like I want. Oh, well, minor glitch. The white flowers are cleones or spider flowers and they are doing great, hopefully more will come up next year. Can you see how dry it is, I water the flowers but not the grass, what passes for grass is now brown.
Then we checked out the gourds which have spread all over and now there are lots and lots of baby gourds. There are still many flowers on the vines, this gives me hope that if I get them planted earlier next year I should have a bumper crop. Found that the morning glories are blooming now also. I made a rustic entry to the garden area and planted morning glory and moon flower vine seeds. The morning glories have been slow to bloom this year, along with so much else.
The dogs carefully explored all the nooks and crannies and flushed out lots of frogs. I am hoping that all these frogs mean they are eating lots of bugs and my plants will be bug free.
By now the sun was coming up and time for us to head inside and get ready for the day. Lots to do and hopefully I can get a decent amount done. Have a wonderful weekend, thank you so much for stopping by. As I have mentioned in the past, reading your comments brings smiles to my day. Best to you, Barbara